Senin, 23 September 2013


In order to participate the fast growing development project, especially in electrification projects, the building construction project, that launched by the Indonesian Government throughout the country, some efforts had been initiated and further seriously taken to final established a concrete product plant in 1979 under the name of PT. HUME SAKTI INDONESIA.

With it’s factories located in Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar, each firmly stands in a land of more than 50,000 sqm, the plant was designed to professionaly manufacture a wide range of concrete product such as :

  • Prestressed Spun Concrete Poles
  •  Prestressed Spun Concrete Piles
  • Prestressed Spun Concrete Pipes
  • Concrete Sleepers
  • Concrete Beams
  • And other concrete products

With technical cooperation from Nippon Concrete Industries Co. Ltd, Japan, PT. HUME SAKTI INDONESIA had successfully equipped itself to be largest and the most modern concrete product manufacturer in South East Asia and, starting with it’s activities since the year of 1983 with production capacity of 75.000 pieces poles / piles per annum each factory, applying production standards of JIS (Japan Industrial Standard), PLN (Indonesian State Electricity Company), PBI 1971 (Peraturan Beton Bertulang Indonesia) and any other standards as may be required, the company fortunately had been being granted a great confidence from many of either states or private local/foreign companies and consultants; to supply a quite considerable lots of Prestressed Concrete Poles and Piles (marked HSI) for their big project in various cities throughout the Indonesian Archipelago.

3 komentar:

    (Jasa Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Asuransi)
    Alamat : Jl Arjuna Raya No 38, Matraman, Jakarta Timur
    Office : 021- 85908022, 021-85907632
    Fax : 021- 8590 7982
    Email : /

    Dengan Hormat,
    Perkenalkan kami dari PT. TEGAR MANDIRI BERSAUDARA (Insurance Brokerage) dimana perusahaan kami telah di tunjuk untuk memasarkan penerbitan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond - Tanpa Agunan ( Non Collateral) bahkan perusahaan kami telah di Back Up oleh Perusahaan Asuransi Kerugian Swasta Nasional Maupun BUMN. adapun prihal penawaran sbb:

    1.Jaminan Penawaran / Bid Bond.
    2.Jaminan Pelaksanaan / Peformance Bond.
    3.Jaminan Uang Muka / Advance Payment Bond.
    4.Jaminan Pemeliharaan / Maintenance Bond.

    Lines Of Insurance
    1. CustomBond
    2. Asuransi Cargo
    3. Construction All Risk ( CAR )
    4. Public Liabillity/ Product Liability
    5. Comprensive General Liability (CGL)
    6. Erection All Risk ( EAR )
    7. Workman Compensation Liability ( WCL )
    8. Auto Mobile Liability ( AL ). Marine Hull

    From : M. Nasir
    (Jasa Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Asuransi)
    Alamat : Jl Arjuna Raya No 38, Matraman, Jakarta Timur
    Office : 021- 85908022, 021-85907632
    Fax : 021- 8590 7982
    Email : /

  2. Kepada Yth.
    PT. Perusahaan BUMN, BUMD Swasta Nasional
    Di Tempat
    Up : Pimpinan/Bag. Keuangan
    Perihal : Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Asuransi Tanpa Agunan ( Collateral )
    Jenis Jaminan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond Yang kami Tawarkan :
    * Jaminan Penawaran (Bid Bond)
    * Jaminan Pelaksanaan (Peformance Bond)
    * Jaminan Uang Muka (Advance Payment Bond)
    * Jaminan Pemeliharaan (Maintenance Bond)
    * Jaminan Pembayaran SP2D Akhir Tahun (Payment Bond)
    * Jaminan Lainnya
    Line Of Insurance :
    * Custom Bond
    * Asuransi Cargo
    * Construction All Risk (CAR)
    * Property All Risk (PAR)
    * Comprensive General Liability (CGL)
    * Erection All Risk (EAR)
    * Workman Compensation Liability (WCL)
    * Auto Mobile Liability (AL)
    * Marine Hull (MH)
    Best Regards
    Jl. Mustika 1 No. 29 Sumur Batu, Kemayoran - Jakarta Pusat
    From : Rozi Saswan
    Telp : (021) 4260719
    Hp/Wa : 0812 187 222 13
    Email :

  3. Kepada Yth.
    PT. Perusahaan BUMN, BUMD Swasta Nasional
    Di Tempat
    Up : Pimpinan/Bag. Keuangan

    Perihal : Penerbitan Bank Garansi & Asuransi Tanpa Agunan ( Collateral )

    Jenis Jaminan Bank Garansi & Surety Bond Yang kami Tawarkan :
    * Jaminan Penawaran (Bid Bond)
    * Jaminan Pelaksanaan (Peformance Bond)
    * Jaminan Uang Muka (Advance Payment Bond)
    * Jaminan Pemeliharaan (Maintenance Bond)
    * Jaminan Pembayaran SP2D Akhir Tahun (Payment Bond)
    * Jaminan Lainnya
    Line Of Insurance :
    * Custom Bond
    * Asuransi Cargo
    * Construction All Risk (CAR)
    * Property All Risk (PAR)
    * Comprensive General Liability (CGL)
    * Erection All Risk (EAR)
    * Workman Compensation Liability (WCL)
    * Auto Mobile Liability (AL)
    * Marine Hull (MH)

    Best Regards
    Jl. Mustika 1 No. 29 Sumur Batu, Kemayoran - Jakarta Pusat
    From : Rozi Saswan
    Telp : (021) 4260719
    Hp/Wa : 0812 187 222 13
    Email :
